Our Mission

Using scientifically sound methods for intelligent decisions.
At dwh you will meet an experienced team of experts in the field of artificial intelligence, statistics, mathematics and data science. We work in close collaboration with partners from universities and university-affiliated organisations as well as governmental institutions. We bring together numbers, data, facts and expertise from a diverse range of areas.
We are specialised in the health sector and in transportation and logistics, but our models and methods are applicable to a wide range of other industries. We strive to provide decision-makers with a solid foundation for future-oriented decisions – regardless of the industry they are in.
The Company

We Are Different
A new kind of service, created by many mathematicians joining hands.
Specialists in all fields of data analysis, modelling and simulation, even artificial intelligence, unite in order to develop solutions that are a perfect fit.
Lively communication and exchange on an equal footing facilitate the best ideas - during scrum meetings, conversations over lunch or a quick drink before heading home.
We always have an expert close by, be that in statistics, AI, machine vision, modelling or data analysis. Proximity and agile exchange mean that we can find the right know-how for your project.
Our Team

The Location

die Drahtwarenhandlung
dwh has since its inception been housed in a former ‘Drahtwarenhandlung’ - a wired goods store - at the heart of alternative Vienna.
The premises provide space for creative thinking and production as well as the restaurant ‘die Drahtwarenhandlung’, a home for parties, good food and, last but not least, science talk.
We brew freshly ground coffee from the small Viennese roastery ‘die Kaffeefabrik’ in our lovingly tended espresso machine to keep our thinking machines going. Just as you’d imagine nerds.
Beer & Gin Tonic
… and when the days carry on a little longer than intended, the best solutions sometimes pop into our heads over a final beer before calling it a day. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Food & Drink
Good food and drink is great for body and soul. We live by those words. The restaurant infrastructure on our premises allows us to prepare meals together frequently and spend our free time in each other’s company, too, for example to watch a film.
City Centre Location
Our central location is easy to reach. Like the district around us, we enjoy an active lifestyle and plenty of cultural exchange.