Contribution to ''Security Policy - Annual Preview 2022''

  • 04/07/2022

Note: This is an automated translation (using DeepL) of the original German article.

Analysis & lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis management published in Ministry of Defense publication

At the beginning of the year, the Federal Ministry of Defense publishes “Risk Landscape Austria” (German publication, title: “Risikolandschaft Österreich”), with the goal of providing the most objective, expert- and fact-based presentation possible of expected security policy developments in the coming (12-18) months for Austria and Europe. The analyses collected in the publication are intended to form a basis for forward-looking security policy action in order to minimize risks and negative developments or to be able to intervene proactively to shape them.

For the just published edition for the year 2022, the research group dwh GmbH - TU Wien - DEXHELPP, was asked to contribute an assessment of the COVID-19 challenges. The article Lessons and Possible Derivations from the COVID-19 Pandemic analyzes vulnerabilities, some of which have been known for a long time, that were relentlessly exposed by the outbreak of the pandemic. Finally, it subsumes the findings and lessons learned from crisis management to identify two specific areas for improvement that significantly increase resilience.

The complete publication Risikolandschaft Österreich 2022 can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Ministry of Defense. The article Lessons learned and possible lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic can be found in chapter 5 (Challenges for Austria’s security, starting on page 251).